On 1st March 2021, the fourth conference of the founding members of TSTR was held: Our idea was to gather around a shared vision and to constitute a network with public visibility. Among other things, the decision was made to launch this website, to host a public online conference in July, and to develop strategies to acquire funding.

As you can see, our network is slowly beginning to grow – just as our vision of reconciling religion, theology and the non-human animals is doing. If you are also working on a project that addresses the relationship of religions to other animals, please feel free to contact us – we look forward to expanding our circle of HumAnimal-members!

…Photo by Katrin Hauf@Unsplash.com

Kategorien: TSTR-Events

1 Kommentar

Andreas Krebs · März 9, 2021 um 2:58 pm

It was a great meeting – thanks to you all for your ideas and your enthusiasm.

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